Suman Clinic
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Birth Workshop


Why Join The Birth Workshop?

The Birth Workshop is a holistic antenatal program that addresses all your questions about pregnancy, birth and early parenting.

The information is grounded in science and based on latest medical research. Plus you get to meet other expectant couples and make new friends!

We will cover Exercise, Nutrition, Labor, Brith, Breastfeeding and Newborn Care over 5 Sessions, 2 Hours per class.

When to attend: Register by 5th months or 20 weeks of pregnancy.


Exercise and Nutrition for Normal Birth

In the exercise and nutrition classes we set the stage for a healthy pregnancy and safe birth.

We discuss optimal weight gain for mom and baby, address increased nutritional needs, learn exercise to position baby for birth, to strengthen the pelvic floor and avoid back and public pain specific to the third trimester.

1 Session, 120 minutes


Labor and Birth

In the labor session you learn to trust your body’s innate wisdom and birth in calm and gentility. You will be able to recognize signs of labor, know when to leave for the birth center and understand what happens in labor and birth. In short you will go from hoping for a natural birth to being prepared for one. The techniques are evidence-based, which means there is no trial and error. It simply works!

3 Sessions, 120 minutes

Eliminate Fear: Labor isn’t scary if you know what to expect. Arm yourself with knowledge to have an empowered birthing experience.

Position Baby:Position of baby affects length and intensity of labor. Learn exercises to get baby into a good position for birth.

Learn to Relax:Guided Relaxation, Positive Affirmations, Special Breathing Techniques and Gentle Movement are powerful comfort measures in labor.

Get Upright:It’s simple. Gravity helps decent of baby. Learn how you position in labor can enable a quick and easy birth.


Breastfeeding And Newborn Care

Caring for a newborn can be overwhelming in the first few weeks. This class will help you decode your baby’s communication cures, understand how to position and latch your baby, know if baby is getting enough milk.

We will cover tips for bonding with your baby before and after birth. Learn how to play and interact with your baby to boost brain development and enable a secure attachment.In this fun Session each couple gets to bathe, swaddle, feed and burp a ‘baby’!

1 Session, 120 Minutes


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    Reach Out To Us

    Dear All

    In view of the COVID 19 attack, we at Suman Clinic want to initiate online consults which will benefit our patient’s Consultants available for online consultation except for Sundays.

    Steps to follow


      We at Suman Clinic are proud to announce the launch of a video consultation platform for our patients’ convenience. You can access this platform right from your phone, tablet, or computer. No app download or software installation required. It’s convenient, private, secure.

      Click the below button to view Suman Clinic Patient Portal

      Sign up for Free

      Note: By Clicking on the button, You will navigate to login/Signup page on DOXIVA application

      Or If you don’t wish to sign up, you can also request direct appointment

      Steps to follow


      Personal Info


      Dr.Sumana manohar
      Dr.Babu manohar
      Dr.Karthik Anand
      Dr.Shravya Manohar

      We are here to help you all in these difficult times !